5 Daisi 5 forever

World Of Our Own

The Doomsds Day 2012

hi all 4 daisi 5 students,after watching the movie 2012...professor HANG got few questions gonna ask u guys...check this out!

if you were know tomorrow is 21december 2012...
1)what u guys will do...??(50 marks)

2)will you guys cry...??(20 marks)

3)will you scold the god..??(20 marks)

4)will you running out from dead like the movie..??(10 marks)

Disediakan oleh:
Professor Hang


1.i will jz sit in front computer..always ply ply let the time pass through..hahaha..

2.mayb will cry a bit..

3.wont scold the god..i think the earth will lik tis also caused by human..

4.er..tis dunno ler..haha..

yeah yeah..i'm the first person answer ~~!!^^


erm..u get 50 marks..coz keep dunno...=)...congratz


if you were know tomorrow is 21december 2012...

1)what u guys will do...??(50 marks)
i will call all my fren n go shopping,makan...thn go infront my idol~XD.......
extra ans:i will call wenxin to tmn u....jogging...XD

2)will you guys cry...??(20 marks)
i will...~~~~muz....

3)will you scold the god..??(20 marks)
no...i 拜guanyin d....

4)will you running out from dead like the movie..??(10 marks)
no loh....will dipijak untill die first...


erm..got 69 marks lah...u double check ur answer again...got mistake only find professor hang =D



y only 69%...
muz at least99% mah....


erm...coz ur answer not enuff point =D...wahaha...


unfair lah...
tis professor juz same lik the moral teacher.......

i got point mah....