5 Daisi 5 forever

World Of Our Own

terhadap 4daisi5 profesional看法 by 萧XX

4 daisi 5............
ada orang baik dan juga orang yang jahat....
orang yang baik mestilah yang itu perempuan nama yen ping lol....=="
orang yang jahat a....terlalu banyak..tak dapat kira...

saya type BM kerana think到...giv liao link to kevin ....then wan type bahasa melayu..
then think think 下...he can see english mah...
ok lah..
i type english...

first i wan say....
our class d "dai lou"大佬...
kenxuan gor....
he is most tall is class and..most....like to wear...
口罩.....(kain yang tutup mulut dan hidung..itu..green color d)
everytime he talk wif us a...very 小声....dengan suara yang...kecil..
nanti talk wif teacher...中气十足....(a lot of middle air)
expecially his lisan...tat ceramah...wao...
my fren in singapure also can hear...
and then...

second is....
tze wen...
she is the main character in class...
if..4d5 without she a....
all mesti die liao...
got a example a...
she very letih then always sleep in class...
then yiehang ikut she sleep...
then yeewong also sleep..
then yien teng also sleep..
then wenhong also sleep...
then mingjun also sleep...
then shinyee do homework..
then me ...at there see the class...dono do wat...
then...i decided call tze wen wake up lah.....
then...after tzewen wake up...
all ppl also wake up la~~~~~~~~~~

i like my class all siao siao d....

altouglth our class tak ada begitu high jika banding dgn class lain...
remember a!therefore....we wan make a lot of siao thing then prove tat...
4 daisi 5 not a boring class okay?!
not all ppl is sleep in class okay!(kecuali VIP yiehang...he got license to sleep)

then third is...
yie hang campur wenhong
hilang satu pun tak boleh....
no got wenhong...no ppl help yiehang take book
no got wenhong....no ppl teach tze wen fizik...
no got wenhong...jecelyn buli by ppl no ppl help she...
no got wenhong...we all die....juz like we 1 day tak ada makan nasi...
no got wenhong...no ppl bring cheewaising cum 4d5...haha
di samping itu...
no got yiehang...no ppl buli wenhong.....
no got yiehang...no ppl become 档路的那个....bcuz he always 顶住条路...
no got yiehang....mingjun no reason call wenxin...hahaha
no got yie hang..then no got wen xin..
no got yiehang...dono dono lah....
many many lah....

the fourth...
yeewong campur yienteng...
tis two prs a...always at the 悄悄话...
cakap about PRS d thing...
then..me and shinyee cannot campur...
say true la....
today yien teng absent..class hilang liao satu thing.....
is a ppl to.....shout........==
yeewong is yiehang 徒弟...also like sleeping...
and no matter the ppl who r girl or boy or flora and fauna..
she also call tat ppl or tat animal or tat plant cal...


..............her 口头禅...........
见人就乱叫 .......


then......our respond is.........no respond....

and then.....yien teng d function is...
always....make ppl boh 话讲....
also 无言....

then shinyee....i think...
she is the ppl 以学业为第一....
she can demi pelajaran and 放弃all...thing..kecuali nyawa la...

i'm 绝对不会这样...
pelajaran juz is the third/forth place is my life...对我来讲...

at last...
kpd weng sao.....看开点.....不要太care一个你不喜欢的东西...forget it..
kpd fui yee...阿龙其实一直在你后面讲你很美~~~~~~真的........不要告诉他........
kpd see man...每个人都有每个人的故事...你的故事不平凡是件好事....起码你的一生不会平平淡淡的过去....偶尔有些起起落落....蛮好的.....
kpd...kevin....加油!!!!i am bacteria....haha
kpd...baochan and kinnam...祝你们共合连里...
kpd amy and jecelyn 考试加油....
kpd lynell....穿code很热o?
kpd 后面那整排睡觉d....moral 很好笑o?!bukit fu gui o?
kpd champian catur....good la...champian la...shuang la...
kpd 4d5 h1n1.....身体健康...早日康复...你不在没人敢问pn soo: r u sure?
kpd boonsiong&johnteng 下次偷情请去gelap点的地方...大庭广众这样...画面不太好看///xd
kpd shuyi 乐队geng la...指挥那个...下次乐队表演可以大声跟mawar那边讲:"那个!是我们班的!"然后就立刻被打了..........
kpd chuiteng geng la...karangan 永远是最长的那个人....
kpd leeyengchong......sorry sorry sorry....知道你讲你在班没有存在感 ...就很sorry...你还是班上永远最可爱那个..............no ppl can replace okay?
kpd fuiling yo...yo..yo...hehehehehe....hehehehhehehehe
kpd meiteng 好啦..每天早上都看到你....来到学校第一个看到的人就是你...你的荣幸...
kpd faiyao 你好....nice to meet u


kepada yan ping...u also the cuttis doraemon in 4D5 larr...because of u...we all laugh until kent stop..haha^^so..continue laugh larr..dunwan stop worh....

by wenwen^0^


yeah...let's do more crazy things...XD


sopo aar..
u r my laugh dewa..
we cant laugh without u~~
let m song 2 u..
i cant smile without u~~
i cant smile without u~~




actually u all sot sot d~~~
i very like it~~~
luv u all oo~~