5 Daisi 5 forever

World Of Our Own

A 'blissful' friday~

THERE r only 5 persons absent 2day...wat??5 persons?
yes...5 persons ONLY.In my prediction,i thought it gonna b atleast 2+ guys absent......
Btw,it proved tat my classmates r quite hardworking....perhaps tey couldn't find any excuses 2allow themselves not2 cum2 skul gua.....haha.....lolz...

during te sivik period,as usual,every1 did teir own stuffs and didnt bother te fat fat teacher...
i named her as 红烧猪手~why?jz a simple reason........when i looked at her face or body,it made me considered abot te pigs.....haha~perhap she isnt 红烧猪手,te accurate 1 shud b 红烧猪头~a brainless babi(pig)...haha~plz forgv me.i didnt mean 2 judge on her face.That's pretty funny.....haha....tze wen chatted cheerily wit te others,da kor(ken xuan) doing his homeworks,fai yao was sleeping in te class.........EVERY1 BCUM STUPID IN TE CLASS(tis's wat ping jie asked me 2 write,so,u all plz blamed her lar since tat's not my fault)

OKOK...let's back to te main point and tis's wat tat could catch ur attention and captivated ur heart....
Around 10.++am,i was 'playing' (combing) Ping Jie's hair....again,plz forgv me...her hair's too straight and it fascinated me....terefore i couldnt control myself 2touch her hair.....haha....lolz..btw,i had 2inform u all tat i'm not maniac ar!After tat,i felt bored,so, i went 2my seat and read my novel...then................................................................................................

There were a gang of guys entered our class without our teacher permission!!(tat babi didnt bother abot them d lar)...1 of te guys stepped forward 2egg(lee ying)'s table and talked 2her..i called tat guy as BOY A!!i guess tat BOY A probably wana know her gua....haha..then,followed by Ah Long's idol,i called him as BOY B.....BOY B and tat gang of guys sat in front of 红烧猪头's table and tey kept nagging in front of her...i really couldnt understand,she's such a failure and loser,why was she not dare2 scold them??why mz she b so patient??aiyoo...tat's so shameful.The students langsung didnt respect her...btw,i was vy sure tat Ah Long mz b vy hapi bcoz she could stare at her idol from her seat.Her saliva dropped uncontrolly from her mouth..At tat time,she was liked a lion which was roaring for its hunger.....btw,kidding nia...ah long,plz dun angry o.....haha~

after sivik,it's chinese...and our chinese teacher didnt cum 2skul ler...haha...then,there's a gal cam2 our class and informed us2 go2 bilik tayangan 2watch te so called video clip....however,when i,jun theng and fui yee reached te bilik tayangan...without any hesitation,we turned our body and went back 2 our class....you know,tat room was full wit students,i dun wan2 trouble myself 2watch tis video clip......

tese were wat had happened tis morning....jz simple and as usual,nothing special.....i shud stay at hum d...haiz......

Posted by,
Pan Mee(weng sao)


wao.....so long..
then tis is buku teks which page...