5 Daisi 5 forever

World Of Our Own


Finally I wrote the blog once!!
Today, I and 8 of my friend went Jusco Cheras Selatan to sing K in green box!!
Haha~~ we have really a good time there!!
When we reach there, we met up and ate at the old time white coffee.
The funny things is when hang boy, horng wen, lok gor and I went to the toilet, then we take photo there!!
BUT, they said me no expression!!Sobx....sobx......(jokinglah)
then we sing in k roomlol.....

i wrote this post very short cause i not good in writing~~
harap maaf~~
however thank you to my DEAREST friend!!!!!
Selamat Hari Raya to all my Malay friend!!



happy birthday 2 ming jun n tai gor aar~!!
2day very happy all~~!!
thx all oo..~~


u finaly post liao!!!!
i like 4 daisi 5!!!!
very much!!!!


Happy birthday for mingjun and ken xuan =D...sweet day


hey ken xuan...is old town white coffee...not old time =D